Metal Gear Solid 3: HD
(NTSC - The Legacy Collection)
Offline play
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(*) Download required: Minor content missing or a lot of bugs present with a patch recommended (more details bellow)
Tested by DoesItPlay on PS3 Slim
The game's intro plays the theme song too early and doesn't match up with the visuals.
Thermal goggles don't have a centered crosshair in first person.
The End's parrot floats slightly above him in the following cutscene if you let him die of old age.
Groznyj Grad exterior causes the fps to drop heavily.
FPS lowers in cutscenes with heavy visual effects such as Volgin emitting lightning.
Some dialogue might not play or might be delayed due to the disc having to spin up to load the line of dialogue.
All trophies unlockable.